Start with Us Today 

Workshop to capture your business needs and jointly define how SEKASA Fin can be integrated and adapted to meet the defined needs


  • We show ways to incorporate our AI-driven Tool into your processes, leverage your data and how you can use the results
  • We define the most suitable SEKASA tool adaptations for you and their possible effects
  • Decision if you want to start the full project is up to you after the Workshop


  • AI is a hot topic, it has many opportunities but also limitations
  • AI development is expensive, and the quality of the results depends on the available data
  • Streamlined implementation for cost-saving benefits
  • High potential for your investors, your strategy and risk management

For whom?

  • (Financial) Companies of all sizes can profit from the use of AI-driven price development forecasts
  • Workshop for managers, analysts, domain experts and technical staff  
  • No prior AI knowledge needed

Your Invest?

  • Workshop time of your staff. 
  • Time for workshop preparation (we do interviews with you to customize the workshop for your needs)

Contact us now.
We look forward to talking and working with you.  

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