Customer Categories

The AI-Driven Price Forecasting Tool SEKASA Fin for Stocks, Crypto, Commodities and FX: 

  • Flexible API Tool for seamless integration. 
  • White label tool to empower SaaS Providers for Brokers and Asset Managers, Broker Platforms, Asset Managers and Pricing Departments with an easily customizable solution for their specific needs, visualization requirements and existing software. 


  • You have internal Data Sources? -> We can integrate your internal data sets, develop customized models tailored to your specific data, and generate personalized forecasts that incorporate your data along with the data we already utilize


The SEKASA Fin API tool fits seamlessly into any investment & portfolio strategy regardless of trading volume through customized deployment



AI Driven Price Prediction for Stocks, Crypto, FX

Trading Platform & Software Provider

We provide our SEKASA Fin API Tool as AI Feature for Resale or Internal B Book Improvement: 

  • Already integrated in Meta 4, Meta5 and Unity Environments
  • Educational Trading Signals for Resale
  • Provision of Asset Selection / Search Engines for Resale
  • AI Driven Price Forecasts for enhanced Internal Risk Management and B Book Management
    • Anticipate Market Trends
    • Optimize Hedging Strategies
    • Improve Client Positioning 

Asset Manager // Funds // Family Offices /

We provide AI Driven Educational Trading Signals adapted to your needs regarding

  • Asset Classes // Trading Places // Frequencies // Output Design 
  • Trading Support via educational trading signals / stop loss and take profit ideas
  • Risk Management Improvement via Stress Tests and Scenario Analysis
  • Either integrated in your Software Environment or via Email 


Leverage the signals for AI supported Investment Decisions, Stress Tests, Scneario Analysis


Fits to every Trading Strategy


Our Tool can be adapted to further AI Driven Analytical Use Cases like: Asset Picking / Search, Portfolio Creation

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